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Patricia Salamonde was born in Rio de Janeiro, in 1970. She began painting in Buenos Aires, in 2003, where she lived for 7 years. Graduated in Journalism, Patricia moved to Argentina to take a sabbatical after 10 years working in television. During this time off, she studied photography, sculpture and painting at the National Museum of Fine Arts, in Buenos Aires.  Her early work was influenced by Argentinian artist Adolfo Nigro. It didn't take long for her playful style to emerge, with a pallet of vivid colors inspired by nostalgic images from Brazil and representing her longing for home.

Her first sale, "Rio: Colors of the sun", was in 2005 to an American couple. This marked an important point in her career. After her first sale, she wanted more and looked for a gallery to exhibit her work. "At the first meeting I got a solo exhibition". Since then she has been featured in collective and solo exhibitions and art fairs. "I love to know where my paintings end up, it is like traveling vicariously through them", says Patricia who is back home in Brazil, working out of her studio in Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro.



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